Nothing can make up for the loss of a loved one. When you lose someone you love through the recklessness or negligence of someone else, there is no just compensation for that. All of that said, here at the Benjamin Law Firm, we’ve helped so many through the difficulties of a LA wrongful death case. Compensation of any kind cannot be equivalent to the loss of a loved one’s life. Over the years, we’ve helped many to get the compensation for a fresh start, living their lives day to day, medical bills, funeral costs, and much more.
When you lose someone you love to the actions (or lack of actions) of another person, it’s natural to feel powerless, like there’s nothing you can do. If, however, the guilty party is made to pay financial penalties, it is a very real, tangible way for them to take responsibility for what they have done. Moreover, it hopefully can force them to change their ways and to keep it from happening again.
How LA Wrongful Death Occurs
When people hear “wrongful death,” they may think of something from the movies or television. However, it’s usually something like a vehicular accident. One party was driving recklessly, or without paying attention, and it led to the death of someone you love. When that occurs, it very well could make for an ironclad wrongful death suit. We have experience with many of these cases, and put that experience to work for you.
Unfortunately, more people die in workplace accidents than you might think. Other than being at home with their families, people spend so much of their time at work. A workplace accident doesn’t have to be something that happens in a warehouse, with heavy weights, forklifts, and the like. It could be something as seemingly innocent as tripping on the carpet in an office, or falling down a flight of stairs.
See, in a workplace, the employer is responsible for a safe working environment. That’s not the Benjamin Law Firm saying that, it’s OSHA. If an employer fails to do so, and it leads to someone’s injury or even death, they should be held responsible. No one should be exposed to unnecessary danger on the job, or have to go to work day after day in an environment that’s unsafe. We can file a wrongful death suit if something like this occurred to someone you love.
Too many people die as a result of medical malpractice. When we go to see a medical professional we, in a very real way, trust them with our lives. Should they abuse that trust, through failing to provide an acceptable level of care or do their job properly, then consequences must follow. The Benjamin Law Firm has tried many medical malpractice cases, receiving large settlements and compensation for surviving family members to “get back on their feet,” so to speak.
Another common cause of wrongful death is product liability. Think of the sheer number of products you use in a given day that are designed by someone else. Every one of them was created by a person or company that has an obligation to ensure the safety of their products. If those products cause harm or even death, they need to be held accountable. All too often, manufacturers don’t test these products or overlook an important defect or flaw. Should they be aware of that, if they acted recklessly or negligently, then they would be prime for a LA wrongful death suit.
Attorneys By Your Side When the Worst Happens
The above are just a sampling of the kinds of wrongful death cases that we’ve handled over the years. The truth is that these are the most difficult cases. Sometimes, the person who passed was the breadwinner, the one who made the money for the rest of the family. So, they’ll need help with bills moving forward. We have a proven track record of getting our clients the kind of compensation they should when the worst happens.
Following the loss of a loved one, we understand that the last thing you might want to do is to reach out to a law firm. That’s why we make it as easy as possible to get started. You can reach us for a free consultation at 818-423-4878. Let’s discuss your case today at no obligation.
Big Ben Lawyers
144 N Glendale Ave.
Suite 250
Glendale, CA 91206