Sexual Abuse Lawyer - Glendale CA

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Have you experienced sexual harassment at work?

You Are NOT by Yourself.

A sexual harassment attorney will fight for you even though dealing with workplace sexual harassment can be a painful, heartbreaking, and difficult situation.

Due to high-profile criminal cases and cultural movements like the #MeToo movement, which has generated international media attention, the subject of sexual harassment has recently taken center stage. It's not surprising to see an increasing number of individuals speaking up about their experiences in the workplace as the full scope of sexual harassment concerns continues to emerge.

A variety of situations can give rise to this kind of behavior. A boss, a coworker, or even someone from outside the company, such as a client or a vendor, may engage in harassment. It's against the law to make inappropriate comments, touch someone inappropriately, or promise a job promotion in exchange for sexual favors.

Do you experience discomfort at work as a result of sexual harassment? Even if you adore your job, you shouldn't have to put up with that. You are entitled to a secure workplace.

Don't suffer in silence if you are a victim of sexual harassment at the office. We are aware of the effects a hazardous workplace can have on its employees. Our top goal is your physical and mental wellness; you can count on our sexual harassment attorney to fight for your right to a SAFE workplace. For a free consultation, get in touch with our office right away.


The distinction between behavior that is seen to be appropriate or inappropriate at work can occasionally be difficult to draw. Sometimes a joke or remark can seem innocent to one employee while being unpleasant or demeaning to another.

Sexual assault often results from persistently inappropriate behavior, yet it can also happen once in a while, depending on how offensive the behavior was in the first place.

Not all instances of sexual harassment include overt acts or advances. Even if the sexual character of the behavior is not explicitly stated, it can still be considered sexual harassment if it involves physical or verbal harassment used to bully, intimidate, or tease workers (including behavior directed at gender identity or sexual orientation).

Sexual harassment allegations frequently intersect with other state and federal anti-discrimination laws. Determining the proper strategy to defend your rights might be difficult due to factors including race, religion, age, and handicap. It's crucial to get the best legal advice from a company with experience managing all issues related to employee rights, such as workplace issues.

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Employers are required by law to stop sexual harassment. Employees are under NO obligation to complain to their bosses about it. Regardless of whether an employee complains, employers in California are required to "take all reasonable actions necessary to prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring" (Cal Government Code Sec. 12940(k)). The employer must put in place the necessary safeguards to prevent sexual harassment. Any employer who doesn't take these actions is breaking the law in California.

Call us right away or review your case for free using the contact information on our website.


Quid pro quo ("anything for something") harassment and hostile work environments are the two main types of sexual harassment that are most frequently observed in the workplace.

When addressing cases, the state of California no longer makes a distinction between the two. However, it's critical to comprehend and distinguish between the many forms of workplace harassment. It's also critical to remember that sexual harassment occurs regardless of gender, so it doesn't matter if the perpetrator is a man, woman, or non-binary, or if the victim identifies as male, female, or non-binary. Sexual harassment is defined by behavior. Additionally, sexual harassment can occur without the presence of sexual desire or attraction. Sexual harassment is determined by actions, not by the harasser's purpose.

Quid Pro Quo

The Latin phrase means "anything for something" literally. Quid pro quo refers to the idea of asking an employee to comply with or consent to sexual demands or advances in exchange for a job reward or opportunity. As an illustration, a supervisor might promise a promotion to a worker if they go out with them on a date, or they might threaten to terminate the worker's employment if they refuse.

Hostile Working Conditions

Hostile work environment sexual harassment is when a workplace atmosphere becomes so poisonous from sexual harassment that it starts to negatively affect how well employees execute their jobs.

If there is actual animosity at work, the following criteria will be applied in court:

    • The regularity of the problematic behavior regardless of whether the alleged harasser is a coworker or a higher authority


    • If many people claim harassment


    • If multiple employees are involved in the harassing





Sexual Remarks

Sexual remarks are typically seen as one of the verbal manifestations of sexual harassment. This includes actions like making obscene jokes or remarks about a worker's physical characteristics, spreading rumors about their sex life, or divulging personal information. These unpleasant remarks are frequently regarded as sexual harassment.

Expired Advances

Proposals are a part of unwanted advances in the workplace. Advances may be made orally, in writing, or via text messaging. Even though it happens frequently, asking a coworker out on a date requires respect. A legitimate sexual harassment lawsuit may be sparked by unwanted advances or unfavorable repercussions for denying one.

Unsuitable Touching

One of the most telling indications of sexual harassment is inappropriate physical contact. If an employee is subjected to inappropriate touching, they may want to report it to the police and/or file a civil sexual assault lawsuit. Big Ben Lawyers often file allegations of sexual harassment and assault.

Sexist Remarks

Sexist remarks are offensive statements made about a particular person or group of people. The most prevalent instance is offensive remarks made about women at work. This includes verbal abuse of any kind, such as insults, jabs, slurs, or jokes. In California, allegations of sexual harassment are treated seriously, and remarks by themselves are frequently enough to support a claim.


Sexual harassment is defined by California state law to include, but not be limited to, verbal or physical behavior, as well as making inappropriate gestures, statements, and requests.

If you've seen or dealt with sexual harassment, there might be some present:

    • Groping, grabbing, and touching that isn't proper.


    • Explicit comments regarding another person's sexual orientation or gender identity.


    • Sexist jokes or innuendos in messages or emails.


    • Multiple approaches were made to an employee (after declining the offer).


    • Verbal abuse and gratuitous sexual material in conversation.


    • Frequently touching or approaching an employee too closely.


    • Sharing or disseminating material with explicit sexual content.


Both the harassers and the victims of sexual harassment can be either males or women. They could be managers, coworkers, suppliers, customers, or anybody else who interacts with people at work.



Review workplace regulations and start recording everything

There is never enough documentation. Write down as many details about the situations as you can when they occur. Any attorney who handles your case will find this to be of tremendous assistance. Keep track of precise dates and times, the behaviors you saw, who else was nearby, and your reactions. So that you have access to it in case you need it, keep this information in a secure location outside of your office. Start evaluating the policies and procedures at work to make sure the right procedure is followed when filing a claim.

If You Feel Safe, Inform Supervisors or HR About Harassment

People typically worry about being punished by their employers. Why? because it frequently occurs. Report your allegation in writing to your superiors or an HR department, keeping a copy for your records (email works). Declaring your claim places the responsibility for an inquiry and a remedy that protects the employee and other employees from future sexual harassment on the management team.

Hire a Sexual Harassment Attorney

You don't need to manage your claim by yourself. Regardless of where you are in the procedure, a skilled sexual harassment attorney can assist in making sure your rights as an employee are upheld and the harasser is held accountable. Get a free consultation to start developing your claim.


Even though the harasser is not an employee, California businesses are liable for stopping sexual harassment. The legislature changed California Government Code 12940(j) to hold businesses accountable for the actions of non-workers and prohibit sexual harassment against employees based on gender. In the pertinent part, that section reads:

If an employer, or its agents or supervisors, know or should have known of the conduct and fail to take prompt and appropriate corrective action, they may also be held liable for the actions of non-employees who sexually harass employees, applicants, unpaid interns or volunteers, or people performing services under a contract in the workplace.

An employer is required to take appropriate corrective action after being informed about sexual harassment. The actions must include quick corrective action that is logically planned to (1) stop the harassment as it is happening now and (2) discourage harassment in the future.

We might be able to assist if your employer failed to take reasonable precautions to stop sexual harassment. As has been indicated above, an employer must ensure that you are not sexually assaulted/sexually abused in your place of work. Furthermore, they must ensure that both an employee as well as non-employees do not sexually abuse you in any manner. We would understand that following sexual abuse, you may be emotionally strained and you could certainly have a lot of questions about your situation in mind. These questions form the basis as to whether you shall institute legal proceedings or not. moreover, the kind of impact that the sexual abuse had on you also informs the amount of compensation that you shall seek as any abuse, notwithstanding its sexual nature, must result in the responsible party having to shoulder responsibility by compensating you. It flows from this that it is necessary to ensure that you have a competent and experienced sexual abuse lawyer. These lawyers shall advise you as to the steps that you should take following the sexual abuse experience.

For a free consultation, kindly get in touch with us.


Depending on the severity of the harassment, there are a variety of methods you might claim if you think you've been the victim of sexual harassment at work:

· Legal Action - Call the police as soon as you can if the sexual harassment is severe, caused harm, or is a criminal act. Make a report to the police so they can get involved for your safety and to record the incident.

· Your Company - Your business should have explicit policies and procedures laying out how to address sexual harassment accusations. If you can, speak with your manager or the human resources department; be careful to request proof that you have filed a claim. Your employer must put an end to the harassment, and you have the right to ask for a follow-up meeting to discuss their response.

· Union - A union's role is to defend and represent its members. A union representative may receive a complaint from a member of the union. This may not be the best answer if the harasser belongs to the same union.

· EEOC Complaint - Your sexual harassment complaint will be looked into by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to see if it has any merit. They might try to resolve the issue with your employer or give you the legal right to sue, in which case you should speak with a sexual harassment attorney.

· DFEH Charge - The Department of Fair Employment and Housing, also known as the DFEH, is the EEOC's counterpart in California. You can show a sexual harassment attorney the right-to-sue letter that the DFEH and only the EEOC will provide after investigating your sexual harassment allegation.

· The lawsuit - Using the letter granting you the right to sue, you can file a claim for sexual harassment at work. After receiving the letter, you have 300 days to submit your lawsuit in court.

A sexual assault attorney can assist you in filing a complaint regardless of what phase of the procedure you are in.



Find a lawyer who specializes in managing legal issues involving employee rights if you're a current or former employee and you think you've been subjected to harassment. They can assist in determining if your case is worth pursuing by helping to discern between an employer's "poor" but legal behavior and an employer's unlawful activity.

Sometimes all you need is an honest professional to tell you, "I believe it's unjust, but not legally illegal," avoiding unneeded action on the part of both you and your employer. A knowledgeable sexual harassment attorney should inquire about things like:

    • Do other workers or managers participate in the harassment?


    • Did you request an end to the harassment? What took place?


    • How did the harassment manifest itself?


Just the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" A skilled attorney will take the time to carefully study every facet of your case to assist you to create the best plan of action. The study and understanding of these little details shall not only ensure that you are well represented but also adequately compensated for the same. Big Ben Lawyers having been in practice for a long time understand the intricacies, twists, and turns surrounding any sexual abuse claim and will ensure that you attain the best possible compensation.

It follows from the above that Big Ben Lawyers shall give you a Free Case Review. This case review shall be aimed at attaining all the necessary information on the matter. The free case review shall be done during the free case consultation by Big Ben Lawyers. You are highly encouraged to be open and candid about your experience as well as every little detail surrounding your case. This openness shall ensure that our sexual abuse lawyers fully understand your case and by doing so can give you the most adequate legal representation.


It can be challenging to know who to turn to after experiencing any form of sexual harassment at work and to know who to trust. Big Ben Lawyers have successfully defended workers in claims involving labor and employment against big and small businesses in California and Washington. We have dealt with the following:

    • Sexual assault;


    • Employment Discrimination;


    • Reimbursement for Unpaid Wages & Overtime Expenses; and


    • Rest and Meal Periods


We understand the feeling that you could have after being sexually abused, and we further understand that there could be childhood sexual abuse within your knowledge as well as post-traumatic stress disorder that continues to way you down. We understand that sexual abuse cases carry with them sexual violence but by speaking to Big Ben Lawyers sexual abuse attorneys, you would be able to start the process of bringing the criminal justice system to a start. Once you are sexually assaulted, our sexual abuse lawyer will interview you to understand the full extent of your child sexual abuse, sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, sexual contact, how the abuse occurred as well as what you did after you experienced sexual violence.

At Big Ben Lawyers, we understand that child sexual abuse victims would be shy to come forward but we assure you that our sexual abuse lawyers are experienced in dealing with the situation. Big Ben Lawyers shall offer you emotional support during your emotional distress following sexual abuse. our sexual assault lawyers shall also ensure that the sexual crimes do not go unpunished as the same must have resulted in pain and suffering, mental anguish, post-traumatic stress disorder as well as underlying physical effects. In light of this, the civil action shall be geared at seeking financial compensation. Furthermore, the criminal charges must ensure that the responsible parties are brought to the book.

Put your faith in our team to defend your working rights. To discuss your options, contact our sexual harassment attorney for a free consultation. Please get in touch with us right away to discuss your case.

Have you experienced sexual harassment at work?

You Are NOT By Yourself. A sexual harassment attorney will fight for you even though dealing with workplace sexual harassment can be a painful, heartbreaking, and difficult situation.

Due to high-profile criminal cases and cultural movements like the #MeToo movement, which has generated international media attention, the subject of sexual harassment has recently taken center stage. It's not surprising to see an increase in the number of people sharing their experiences in the workplace as the full scope of sexual harassment concerns begins to emerge.

A variety of situations can give rise to this kind of behavior. A boss, a coworker, or even someone from outside the company, such as a client or a vendor, may engage in harassment. It's against the law to make inappropriate comments, touch someone inappropriately, or promise a job promotion in exchange for sexual favors.

Do you experience discomfort at work as a result of sexual harassment? Even if you adore your job, you shouldn't have to put up with that. You are entitled to a secure workplace.

Don't suffer in silence if you are a victim of sexual harassment at the office. We are aware of the effects a hazardous workplace can have on its employees. Our top goal is your physical and mental wellness; you can count on our sexual harassment attorney to fight for your right to a SAFE workplace. For a free consultation, get in touch with our office right away.


Employers are required by law to stop sexual harassment. Employees are under NO obligation to complain to their bosses about it. Regardless of whether an employee complains, employers in California are required to "take all reasonable actions necessary to prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring" (Cal Government Code Sec. 12940(k)). The employer must put in place the necessary safeguards to prevent sexual harassment. Any employer who doesn't take these actions is breaking the law in California.

The most prevalent types of sexual harassment at work

Quid pro quo also referred to as something-for-something harassment, and hostile work environments are the two primary types of sexual harassment that are most frequently observed in the workplace.

When addressing cases, the state of California no longer makes a distinction between the two. However, it's critical to comprehend and distinguish between the many forms of workplace harassment. It's also critical to remember that sexual harassment occurs regardless of gender, so it doesn't matter if the perpetrator is a man, woman, or non-binary, or if the victim identifies as either. Sexual harassment is defined by behavior. Additionally, sexual harassment can occur without the presence of sexual desire or attraction. Sexual harassment is determined by actions, not by the harasser's purpose.

Quid pro quo harassment

The Latin phrase means "anything for something" literally. Quid pro quo refers to the idea of asking an employee to comply with or consent to sexual demands or advances in exchange for a job reward or opportunity. As an illustration, a supervisor might promise a promotion to a worker if they go out with them on a date, or they might threaten to terminate the worker's employment if they refuse.

Hostile working conditions

Hostile work environment sexual harassment is when a workplace atmosphere becomes so poisonous from sexual harassment that it starts to negatively affect how well employees execute their jobs.

If there is actual animosity at work, the following criteria will be applied in court:

· The regularity of the problematic behavior

· regardless of whether the alleged harasser is a coworker or a higher authority

· If many people claim harassment

· If multiple employees are involved in the harassing


Even when the harasser is a non-employee, sexual harassment must be stopped by employers in California. The legislature revised California Government Code 12940(j) to hold employers liable for the actions of non-employees. This clause bans an employer from sexually harassing an employee on the grounds of gender. In the section's pertinent part, it reads:

If an employer, or its agents or supervisors, knows or should have known about the conduct and fails to take prompt and appropriate corrective action, they may also be held liable for the actions of non-employees who sexually harass employees, applicants, unpaid interns or volunteers, or people performing services under a contract in the workplace.

An employer is required to take appropriate corrective action after being informed about sexual harassment. The actions must include quick corrective action that is logically planned to (1) stop the harassment as it is happening now and (2) discourage harassment in the future.

We might be able to assist if your employer failed to take reasonable precautions to stop sexual harassment. For a free consultation, kindly get in touch with Big Ben Lawyers and narrate to them all the possible detail of your case.


The safety of employees is the responsibility of the employer. In some situations, they may be personally liable for the conduct of the managers and supervisors they hire as well as other workers. Just being aware of improper behavior and failing to take the necessary action to stop it can lead to a legitimate complaint.

Speak with a sexual assault attorney if you are a current or former employee and are considering bringing a claim for sexual harassment to fully understand your alternatives. To decide how to best approach the case, your attorney will concentrate on a variety of specifics.

The Character Of The Behavior

Your attorney will make every effort to pinpoint EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of the alleged harassment. How you reacted-Whether you made it plain that the behavior was inappropriate or whether you engaged in it occasionally. Additionally, your attorney will determine how offensive the behavior was and if any sane person could have been equally upset under the same conditions.

What It Means to You

Employees who experience sexual harassment at work frequently put up with it for a long time out of concern that their company would take adverse action against them (firing, demoting, cutting hours). Every time harassment occurs, especially when it is sexual, the victim experiences some type of emotional loss, including sadness, worry, embarrassment, loss of enjoyment in life or at work, loneliness, and emotional anguish. Dealing with sexual harassment on your own in a situation when you feel like everyone is against you can be difficult.

Who was the offender?

Depending on the WHO committed the infraction, each altercation will be addressed differently. The employer is normally only liable if they knew or should have known about the behavior and neglected to take preventative and corrective measures whether the harassment was committed by a coworker or a customer. For a sexual harassment claim, a lawyer can assess whether the harasser qualifies as a supervisor or whether the employer is responsible for sexual harassment committed by a non-supervisor.

What Damages in Compensation Are You Seeking?

Emotional damages, monetary damages, and punitive damages are a few different kinds of damages a victim of sexual harassment may ask to be compensated for. Due to the nature of the harassment, emotional harm is frequently experienced. Overwhelming emotional stress can harm the victim's mental health. Missed employment and lost wages can have an economic cost. To escape working stress, workers may start to take sick days off more regularly, or they may even decide to resign. Punitive damages are only sought to "penalize" the employer for their negligence and, ideally, encourage them to take workplace sexual harassment more seriously.




Molestation is the term for harmful sexual activity committed by one person against another. Sexual abuse is often referred to as sexual abuse. It frequently involves employing force or taking advantage of another person. While sexual abuse is a phrase used to describe a sequence of sexual assaults, molestation frequently refers to a single incident of sexual attack on a young child.

The perpetrator is referred to as a sexual abuser or, more commonly, as a mole. The phrase also refers to actions taken by an adult or older adolescent to sexually arouse a kid. Child sexual abuse or statutory rape refers to the use of children or other people who are not of consenting age for sexual stimulation. Trafficking forced sexual acts, and/or rape are all examples of sexual abuse that is streamed live on a webcam.

Unwanted contact with a person's genitalia, groin, buttocks, anus, or breasts is referred to as a sex crime. What is considered a crime and what is not depends on the sort of contact and the circumstances surrounding the interaction? For instance, it is not a sex crime if a restaurant client accidentally touches your breast with his or her arm while walking by. On the other hand, you might file a sexual assault claim against a customer who deliberately reaches out and gropes your breast.

But not all sex offenses include direct physical touch. Sex crimes include soliciting, indecent exposure, and stalking.

Where Does Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Rape Happen?

Sexual abuse does occur in various places and cannot be said to occur in a single particular place. The same can occur in schools, churches, offices, and many other various places. There is no particular singled-out arena that can be zoned as being a place where such abuses occur.

Should any such incidents happen to you, contact us and we shall help you pursue your claim to its successful end?

What is Childhood Sexual Abuse?

Under California's laws against child molestation, it is illegal to perform or attempt to perform sexual actions with a child under the age of 18. The penalties can range from misdemeanor charges to felonies carrying life sentences, depending on the minor's age and the nature of the sexual interaction.

California Penal Code Sections 288, 287, 288.2, 288.3, 288.4, 288.5, 288.7, 647.6, and 261.5 define state crimes including child molestation. Varied statutes have different definitions for the word "minor." But until otherwise stated, it refers to a person who is under the age of 18.

Here is an overview of the main code portions:

• A person who engages in an indecent or vulgar act on a kid under the age of 16 is punished under Penal Code 288 PC. Lewd acts with a minor include: • touching a child's body for sex-and the touching need not be on exposed skin-or • inducing a child to touch himself or herself or another person for sex such as to gratify sexual desires.

    • Oral coitus with a child under the age of 18 is illegal according to Penal Code 287 PC. Any physical contact between a person's mouth and another person's sexual organ or anus is referred to as "oral copulation."


    • Penal Code 288.2 PC forbids sending explicit or pornographic material to a minor under the age of 18 to seduce the receiver or sexually arouse the sender and/or the recipient


    • Contacting a minor with the purpose to commit a crime is illegal, according to Penal Code 288.3 PC. Here, the term "felony" refers to a major felony or a California sex offense.


    • • It is against the law to arrange a meeting with a juvenile to engage in specific sexual conduct, according to Penal Code 288.4 PC.


    • The California law that makes it illegal to repeatedly sexually assault a kid under the age of 14 is known as Penal Code 288.5 PC. This refers to three or more occurrences of abuse occurring over at least three months.


    • According to Penal Code 288.7 PC, it is unlawful for an adult to have sex with a kid who is under the age of ten.


    • Penal Code 647.6 PC makes it illegal to irritate a child under the age of 18. The word "annoy" describes behavior that is both sexually motivated and likely to disturb, irritate, or draw a child's attention.


Illegal sex with a minor is a crime that is defined by Penal Code 261.5 PC. Anytime a person has sex with a minor under the age of 18 they are guilty of this crime. It should be noted that California has an age of consent for sex of 18.

Sexual Crimes against Children Are Crimes of Opportunity.

Which are the Lasting Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse?

Abuse of children can be traumatizing. Victims have both acute and long-lasting repercussions. Survivors of abuse may experience long-term psychological, emotional, or physical effects.

Short-term consequences of childhood sexual abuse may manifest in victims of recent or ongoing abuse. However, the majority of survivors also deal with the aftereffects of sexual abuse.

Understanding the potential long-term effects of child sexual abuse may encourage some survivors to seek assistance on their path to recovery.

Effects Of Sexual Abuse Over Time

The physical or psychological effects of being sexually assaulted can endure a lifetime for survivors of child sexual abuse. In their lifetimes, victims of child sexual abuse are more likely to become victims again.

Chronic health disorders, unwanted or unexpected pregnancies, physical injuries, and long-term physical effects of sexual abuse (e.g., obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes)

Psychological effects of sexual abuse over time

An increased risk of substance misuse, increased risk of hazardous sexual conduct, increased risk of self-harm, increased risk of suicide, low self-esteem or self-image, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and relationship troubles (including intimacy issues in future relationships)

A Greater Probability Of Re-Victimization

According to some studies, those who had child sexual abuse are 2 to 13.7 times more likely to experience sexual victimization than adults. The likelihood of non-sexual intimate partner violence is twice as high for victims of child sexual abuse as it is for non-victims, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

There are a few reasons why victims of child sexual abuse may experience further victimization in the future:

A victim of child sexual abuse may experience developmental issues after they have been sexually abused. Their development, both sexually and socially, shall not only be greatly hindered but also significantly severed. This can make him or her feel less in danger. A victim of child sexual abuse could mistakenly think that coercive or domineering sexual advances or actions are commonplace. At Big Ben Lawyers, we shall ensure that we ably represent them and ensure that the sexual abusers are punished in terms of monetary sums.


Several states around the nation have established rules that give cases that had previously been dismissed due to statutes of limitations new life. These statutes allow anyone, regardless of age, who was sexually molested as a juvenile in California to submit a claim, regardless of when the abuse took place. The victims of childhood sexual abuse can now be brought to justice thanks to this new legislation.

Following years of agitation by legislators, medical experts, sexual assault survivors, and their families, these resurrection statutes were finally passed. Sexual abuse throughout childhood traumatizes the victims, who frequently experience overwhelming feelings of shame, guilt, and dread. Abuse survivors frequently do not report their abuse until they are adults, well past some states' statutes of limitations, because of the complicated emotions involved. The incidence of child sexual abuse has, however, come to the attention of society, as has the suffering that abuse victims have endured.

The Legal Process Has Powerful Psychological Benefits

You can feel the impact of the whole process of pursuing claims against the offenders. Most often, the legal process sees the perpetrator indicted and the essence of the whole process is to make the victim feel satisfied and protected.

Sexual Abuse by a Law Enforcement Professional

You should be aware that no one is above the law if you feel you were the victim of sexual assault, harassment, or other misbehavior. Individuals who hold positions of authority or notoriety frequently make an effort to intimidate their victims into thinking they are untouchable. This is the furthest thing from the truth.

It's crucial to understand that you are not alone. 94% of women who have worked in the entertainment industry have experienced sexual assault or harassment, according to a USA Today poll. Tragically, only 25% of these occurrences have ever been documented.

We at the Big Ben Lawyers want to allay your concerns about coming forward with a sexual assault and getting justice. Our attorneys have led the fight against prominent celebrities who have engaged in sexual assault, harassment, pornography, and other sexual misbehavior, and we are fully prepared to take on the largest superstars.

What is Sexual Violence at the Hands of a Cleric and Sexual Abuse at Church?

Although clergy abuse is a criminal act that carries a potential prison sentence, a victim of such abuse may also pursue restitution through a civil lawsuit. Big Ben Lawyers have extensive experience handling claims of clerical abuse, and we are extremely familiar with the difficulties and empathy these cases demand. Our clergy abuse attorneys know how to bring some justice to your life, and we know how to listen to those who have experienced sexual assault and abuse.

What is sexual abuse of clergy?

When a clergy member willfully abuses a member of their congregation sexually, they are committing the crime of clerical abuse. This can happen to adults or adolescents.

    • Abuse by clergy is a very demeaning act that can leave a victim with lifelong psychological and emotional scars.


    • Examples of clergy misconduct include: • Sexualized interactions


    • • Requesting or sending explicit texts or photographs; • Unwanted physical contact; • Sexual activity



How does Sexual Violence From a Healthcare Professional occur?

When you go to the doctor, dentist, hospital, physical therapist, or see other medical You put your trust in them as specialists to treat you with dignity as they look after your health. A significant breach of trust, medical ethics, and the law is sexual abuse by a medical professional.

What can I anticipate in a medical environment?

Whenever you visit a doctor for an examination, procedure, or treatment, you should be prepared to: You can tell the examiner anything that makes you feel uneasy, and they should terminate the exam immediately.

Request the presence of a person. You can ask a nurse, friend, or family member to stay with you if you'd want company in the examination room.

    • • Confidentiality. A curtain should be drawn or the exam conducted in a separate room. Before and after the exam, you should have a private space to change clothes.


    • • Change into comfortable clothing. Only the areas of your body that are being examined should require undressing, and neither the prep time nor the clean-up time should be excessive.


    • • Request a different gender examiner. If it would make you feel better, you can request to see a person of a different gender; but, doing so might necessitate finding a new doctor and might not be practical in an emergency.


    • • Receive responses to your inquiries. If you inquire about what the examiner is doing or why they are doing it, they should respond promptly and honestly.


    • ## Honoring your religion. If wearing religious accessories or clothing doesn't prevent you from receiving care, you should be permitted to continue wearing them.


    • • Obtain information in your native tongue. Medical professionals should try their best to communicate with you in the language you speak. Ask them to set up an interpreter, either on-site or via a language access line, if they are unable to speak your language. A dependable friend or family member who can translate for you can also go with you.


    • • Get your pain acknowledged. If something would hurt, the examiner should let you know beforehand. They should stop straight away if you tell them it hurts and you want them to stop.


    • During a pelvic, vaginal, breast, rectal, or testicular exam, what is permitted and prohibited?


    • It is occasionally required to have an examination of the intimate areas of your body to maintain your health, but only when necessary. Following are some examination-related behaviors that are both normal and abnormal.


    • The examiner is permitted to:


• Before and during the exam, have each component explained to you.

• Put on gloves.

• encourage you to let them know if you feel uncomfortable or if something is off.

• If you asked, is she of the same sex as you?

• Only request that you remove clothing from the body part being checked.

How does Sexual Harassment in the Workplace occur?

Discrimination in the form of sexual harassment is against the law. It is purposefully hurtful and intended to reduce the victim's dignity and increase their sense of helplessness. This is because it incorporates power play in which the offender utilizes sexuality as a means of control and dominance.

The law forbids sexual harassment in the workplace.

Discrimination is defined as any distinction, exclusion, or preference based on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction, or social origin that has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation by the International Labour Organization (No. 111) in 1958.

Each member state is urged by the International Labor Organization to promote equality of opportunity and treatment regarding employment and occupation to eradicate all forms of discrimination.

What are the various types of sexual abuse?

As has been highlighted above, the different types of sexual harassment that exist include Unwanted behavior, Physical, verbal, nonverbal, and sexual bribery are the four main types.

When a victim is touched inappropriately and against his or her will, this is referred to as physical unwanted conduct. It includes touching someone inappropriately, such as groping, massaging them without their consent, sexually grasping them, or rubbing their genitalia on them.

Unwanted verbal communication might be expressed orally or in writing. This could involve making sexually explicit remarks, jokes, or insults.

The use of visual media, such as photos and films, to spread harmful sexual messages or make inappropriate sexual advances is referred to as non-verbal unwanted behavior.


Abuse in organizations or institutions refers to the mistreatment of people as a result of poor or insufficient care or assistance, or a pattern of poor behavior that negatively impacts the entire care environment. It happens when a person's needs and wants are neglected in favor of the efficient operation of a team, service, or organization.

Why does this occur?

Institutional or organizational abuse is more likely to occur in formal contexts when workers have the following:

Poor communication skills; inadequate training; poor supervision; lack of management support; participation in a "closed" culture, such as a care facility where new ideas, visitors, care management, or other involvement by professionals is discouraged

Organizational or institutional abuse may involve several perpetrators, and there may be multiple victims of the same abuse, such as in cases of hate crimes committed against certain groups or when multiple family members mistreat a dependent person.

Understanding Laws against Sexual Abuse in California

The typical sentence for rape in California is between three and fourteen years in prison. While sexual violence is punishable by up to $10,000 in fines and up to four years in jail for repeat offenders, forced penetration is punishable by three to twelve years in prison.

What Kind of Harm Could I Suffer as a Result of a Non-consensual Sexual Act?

The victim can suffer a variety of damage following a non-consensual sexual act. The consequences can range from physical to emotional and psychological.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with our esteemed Firm for your proper legal representation.

What are the Conditions and Symptoms Suffered by Survivors of sexual abuse?



Victims of rape and sexual assault may exhibit a variety of emotional and psychological responses. Depression is one of the most typical of these.


A flashback makes recollections of past experiences seem as though they are happening right now.

Trauma-related stress disorder

It is common to have worry, stress, or fear following a traumatic occurrence, making it challenging to adjust or cope for a while.


In the course of coping with the physical and mental anguish of the abuse they endured, survivors of sexual assault may occasionally end up with greater medical and other expenses-such as missed wages-than they can afford. Thankfully, the California Victim Compensation Program (CalVCP) may, in some circumstances, be able to help with the cost of medical treatment, including dental and mental health services, lost wages, relocation, home security, and other expenses that a survivor cannot have covered through other means.

In California, survivors of violent crimes such as domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and stalking have access to the CalVCP program. A person is not eligible for compensation under the CalVCP if they both participated in the crime and were victims. Furthermore, the offender had to have been a California resident at the time the offense was committed. Federal subsidies as well as fines and fees assessed on criminal defendants when they are found guilty and sentenced provide revenue for the program.

Why a California Child Sexual Abuse Lawyer Could Be Vital

Survivors of sexual abuse may experience years of physical and mental suffering. Your healing process may be aided by suing your abuser and obtaining recompense. Although it will never be enough to make up for the trauma you experienced, money can aid in your next step toward rehabilitation.

Our lawyers have a wealth of expertise advocating for abuse victims. In the last five years, we have recovered over $600 million for our clients, and in 2007, we were successful in getting a $680 million settlement from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for victims of child sexual abuse.

On your behalf, we can pursue the highest amount of compensation. For a free consultation where you may confidentially share your story and learn more about your legal options, get in touch with our sexual abuse attorneys in California.

What are the differences in Criminal vs. Civil Cases for Child Sexual Abuse?

In California, victims of sexual assault have the option to file a lawsuit for compensation against the offender. This case is distinct from a criminal one, but given that both include sex abuse victims, it is crucial to comprehend the distinctions between the two. At the Big Ben Lawyers, we represent victims of sexual assault in California and around the state in civil lawsuits. Contact us if you'd like to know more.

What are the Damages of Sexual Assault and Abuse?

As you go through the recovery process following a traumatic experience, if you shall engage our legal team, we shall work tirelessly and put in additional resources to ensure that the legal process, both in a criminal case and civil claims, against your sexual abusers is not only successful but also ensure that you recover compensation. We shall at all times ensure that we work in your best interests as you seek compensation

 Contact our Big Ben Lawyers Sexual abuse Lawyers today

If you or your loved one has been involved in a sexual abuse situation, you are free to contact our Big Ben Lawyers sexual abuse lawyers today for a free consultation. This is the first and very important step to seek the compensation that you deserve for the sake of the losses, pain, and suffering that you suffered as a result of the traumatic brain injury. It should not be lost on you that the choice of a sexual abuse lawyer has a relationship with the kind of compensation that you shall attain. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that you are not only adequately compensated but you are also ably represented.

Our sexual abuse lawyers at Big Ben Lawyers can represent sexual abuse victims all over California, as they are also experienced, personal injury attorneys who have the experience and expertise in the manner in which they handle sexual abuse cases.

Get in touch with our Big Ben Lawyers to ensure that your interests are protected and to ensure that you are not only properly represented but you are adequately compensated. By engaging Big Ben Lawyers, you shall be joining a list of hundreds of clients who have benefited from top-notch legal services when it came to personal injury cases in general and sexual abuse cases in particular.

After engaging Ben Ben Lawyers, we shall look into your unique situation and advise on the next course of action. Should you decide to pursue the matter in court, we shall ably and diligently ensure that you are well compensated. We shall ensure that all the evidence that should ordinarily bolster your chances of getting adequate compensation is properly and tendered in court. Should you decide to pursue an out-of-court settlement, we shall ensure that in all the discussions that shall be had in the matter,w shall address and put our best foot forward in ensuring that you are not disenfranchised.

Motor Vehicle Accidents. Unfortunately, some operating vehicles do not pay close attention to road rules or traffic safety. When they are involved in a collision, they often do not stop signs or other caution signs, increasing collisions' chances. Also, driving recklessly poses a greater risk of collision because they may not regularly maintain their driving skills. All of these common types of negligent driver behaviors can lead to wrongful deaths.

Airplane Crashes. Many people who have died in plane crashes were determined to have been adequately secured by the airline in question. However, if the airline did not follow adequate passenger security guidelines, flight safety, and other issues, these individuals may have been killed in an airplane crash. Airplane fatalities are most commonly caused by pilot error or negligence. This can result from misidentification of the flight route, failing to provide sufficient warning time, ignoring signals or emergency items, or other aviation accidents.

Pedestrian Fatalities. While most pedestrian fatalities are due to automobile accidents, there are also several instances where pedestrians have been hit by large trucks or vehicles due to pedestrian accidents on public roads or streets. Some other common causes of pedestrian deaths include defective products, defective sales practices, being hit by a motor vehicle while crossing a street, or being involved in a pedestrian accident caused by another individual moving in the wrong way.

Product Defects. A defective product can cause a person to become fatally ill while suffering from diseases that can ultimately kill them. Likewise, trucking companies can accidentally cause deaths by defective shipping products. Also, defective products and truck accidents can result in severe injuries and even death.

Benjamin Law Firm's Wrongful Death Attorneys: The Law Firm You Deserve

Insurance companies are rarely liable if their drivers cause an accident caused by their carelessness. However, they can be held responsible if their carelessness causes death or injury to a family member. Car insurance companies fight for maximum compensation because they pay a hefty sum if the victim's family has to pay for all expenses incurred by an accident caused by the negligent driver. If the insurance company wins the compensation case against you, they can cut off your benefits or even deduct your payments from your wages. Suppose you are a family member of the victim of wrongful death due to an accident caused by another driver's negligence, then you have every right to pursue compensation with the help of wrongful death personal injury lawyers.

Each of these common types of death cases is very different from one another. Each type of death lawsuit, however, will seek to hold negligent parties responsible for their actions. No matter what type of death case you or your loved one are involved with, you should contact a qualified personal injury attorney to handle your case.

There are cases, which call for small claims that can be pursued by individual people like you. You must understand your legal rights before you decide on the direction to take your case. It would be best if you got a lawyer who has experience in handling these kinds of cases. Personal injury lawyers can provide you with expert advice and help you obtain the appropriate amount of damages for your loved one's wrongful death. The compensation sought after by the victims of car accidents is usually quite inadequate, considering the severity of their sufferings.

This is why it is essential to get the necessary information about how to proceed in such a case. To pursue compensation for your loved one's wrongful death, you should first determine the amount that you are willing to accept for the medical expenses and other damages caused to the victim. Some victims may accept a low settlement because they have no money to pursue compensation. Other victims are usually too devastated by losing their loved ones to accept any amount less than they deserve.

The decision you will make should not be influenced by the money you receive from a wrongful death settlement. A personal injury attorney should be consulted even if you are financially secure. The reason for this is that there are things that are beyond your control, which can affect the amount that you receive as compensation. It is always better to ask for help from an experienced personal injury attorney so that you will be able to obtain the right compensation that you deserve.

Benjamin Law Firm's wrongful death attorneys can assist you every step of the way, from filing to winning your case. They have a long list history of recovering deserved compensation, such as loss of income, funeral expenses, medical expenses, pain, suffering, etc. Benjamin Law Firm ensures to pay respect to the deceased and help the family left behind to recover.

Big Ben Lawyers - Glendale
144 N Glendale Ave.
Suite 250
Glendale, CA 91206
Phone: (818) 423-4878

Client Testimonials

Ben is an excellent attorney and helped greatly with my personal injury case. Ben and his team were always there to answer any queries or concerns I had throughout the course of my case. I would recommend anyone in need of assistance to contact the firm.

Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Joseph Lawlor
May 2022

My wife and I had a very bad car accident in LA. Ben and his whole team were so friendly and helpful. They walked us through everything and kept us informed every step of the way. The experience working with them has been amazing and we will definitely use them again in the future.

Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jon Romero
April 2022

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Glendale Office

144 N Glendale Ave.
Suite 250
Glendale, CA 91206

(818) 423-4878

Fresno Office

1221 Van Ness Ave
Suite 307
Fresno, CA 93721

(559) 354-6344

Ontario Office

3281 E. Guasti Rd
7th Floor
Ontario, CA 91761

(909) 235-5886

Riverside Office

11801 Pierce St.
Suite 200
Riverside CA 92505

(951) 561-2002

Sacramento Office

1015 2nd St
Second Floor, Suite B
Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 860-7800

San Bernadino Office

473 E Carnegie Dr
Suite 200
San Bernardino, CA 92408

(909) 963-0750

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